

Speaking, which is the mainstay of the project, is the most difficult skill to develop, although it is widely used in daily life. The basic elements of communication are the speaker and the speech. Developing “speaking” for learners of Turkish as a foreign language depends on practice and exposure to the target language.

Today, the need to learn Turkish has increased due to various reasons, especially immigration. Various materials have accordingly been produced to meet this need. As of the beginning of 2020, the use of digital materials in the teaching process is an essential need. In the pre-pandemic period, digital materials were developed in the teaching of Turkish as a foreign language. Learn Turkish, Turkish in 3 Minutes, and the studies of Yaşar University and Anadolu University are a serious step in the field. There are also apps like Mondly, Duolingo to teach various languages. Unfortunately, although these materials improve reading and listening, they are insufficient in the development of speaking. These applications are only pronunciation exercises that repeat the sentence heard by the learner from the system. While proper pronunciation is important for speaking skill, it alone does not improve speech. Therefore, it cannot meet the needs of its learners in daily life.

Speech modules planned in the Language Tree project are different from the these applications. The Language Tree does not only practice pronunciation. The learner is in touch with authentic space simulations created through videos. The learner has the opportunity to answer the questions asked by the system in the videos, and to speak interactively thanks to the dialogue maintained by the system according to the answers given.

In the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), it is written that the individual should be “social actors” who perform tasks in different social environments. The individual, who is a “social actor”, is both active and in interaction with other individuals. The application meets the definition of "social actor" recommended by the CEFR, as it offers users the opportunity to practice speaking interactively in different social environments. Immigrants are the ones who have the most difficulty in becoming social actors. In the last 10 years, Turkey has been one of the countries receiving immigration for various reasons. Considering the density of immigrants in Turkey, Syrians are at the forefront of these, and there has been intense migration from Afghanistan to Turkey recently.